Please note that as of December 01, 2022, our Benefits Program is discontinued and no further Benefits Balances will be accrued. Current accumulated Benefits Balances will still be available to be used until each remote professional's Benefits account reaches zero ✨
Growmotely Benefits balances (also referred to as "Members Perks" in the Remote Professionals Agreement) can be redeemed solely in connection with the available providers/partners and services on the Growmotely Benefits Marketplace. Growmotely Benefits balances have no cash value and cannot be converted into or claimed in cash or otherwise paid out. In the event of a request to cancel a Remote Professional's Growmotely account, Growmotely shall close that Remote Professional’s account and all Growmotely Benefits earned by the concerned Remote Professional shall be forfeited.
The steps outlined below only apply to remote professionals who had previously accrued Benefits balance to be used before the discontinuation of the Benefits program.
When logged into your Growmotely profile, click on your Perks Partners tab and check out the offerings that are available.
Your Benefit Balance amount will be visible to you at the top-right of your screen when you log into your Growmotely profile.
You'll be able to choose from our awesome partners to spend your Benefits Balance.
You'll also be able to view a history of your Benefits spent on your profile.
When logged in, navigate to the Perks Partners and click to view an overview of our Benefits Marketplace
Clicking on View Activities will display a history of your Benefits accrual and debits.
💡 All registered Remote Professionals can take advantage of 20% and more off our Perks Partners by using the discount code available on your Perks Partners page.